Thursday, December 18, 2014

When you miss the cord

The other day I reached my hand for the cord to open the blinds and I missed! This was a first. I've never misjudged the distance between my hand and the cord to the blinds. In fact, it's almost become instinctual. Everyday I open the blinds and every night I close them. No big deal. And truly it's not a big deal that I awkwardly reached and missed, but since it was the first time it had happened, I noticed. 

Isn't that funny? A simple task, I do everyday, that I never paid attention too (until I missed the goal). A task that (for me) required minimal thought and definitely does not affect my future, unless you consider sun coming through the window and a lovely view, a long term benefit (I actually do!)

How often do we "miss" a goal or deadline in life? Or we don't say what we know we should have in a moment? Or we say something we know we shouldn't have said in a moment?

And then we focus on the miss, the mistake, the words that came out of our mouth. 

Instead, we should be focusing on what we do well, what we succeed at. What keeps us growing and moving forward.

I've opened the blinds hundreds of times, but the most memorable time is the time my hand didn't connect with the cord. 

Think about your day-to-day. How often do you praise yourself for something good? Even if it's as simple as complimenting someone on their shoes in the 60-seconds you have with them on the elevator? Or whether it's biting your tongue from saying what you really want to say to your co-worker who made the same mistake for the 3rd time this week? 

Such a simple "mistake" that really opened my eyes to how we view our everyday. 

Focus on what you've done well and let that attitude grow and prosper. We will all make mistakes, fall short, and disappoint each other. There's not really a way to get around making mistakes.. Unless you burrow yourself in and never expose yourself to people or challenges (and I would argue that decision itself, is a mistake).

I've made a million mistakes and I do not want too, but I am pretty sure I'll make more. I don't want to spend my life focusing on the 1/100 "miss of the cord." Instead I'd rather focus on the 99 times I open and close the blinds successfully. How about you?

Choose to stand up again, with confidence and attack what you know you are called to do. Don't be afraid of "missing the blind" or of making a mistake. Treat every mistake as a learning experience. Move forward. Forget the old; get on with the new. 

There's a huge world out there, waiting for you to take a few shots, miss a few shots, and sink just a couple. 

Monday, December 15, 2014

3 Ingredient Broccoli Cheddar Soup

This is the easiest soup you will ever make, aside from opening a can and pushing "start!" And.. You already know 2/3 the 3 ingredients!

In a stockpot, over medium heat, add 1 - 32 oz box of organic beef or vegetable broth and a 16 oz bag of broccoli. Cover and Bring to almost a boil.

Reduce the heat a couple notches and add in an 8oz bag of shredded sharp cheddar cheese. Add in your favorite spices (but no salt). I used cumin, a salt-free ranch type mix, cumin & turmeric.  Cover and let cook for 5-7 min. 

If you have an immersion blender, use it, and leave some chunks of broccoli. If not, let cool a little bit and then use a regular blender. 


Nutrition per serving (based on 4 servings):

271 calories, 18g fat, 6g carbs, 2.5g fiber, 20g protein

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

A Crash Close to Home

In Gaithersburg, MD, small planes fly around all the time. I've always loved it, because I want to be a small planes pilot and own a plane so I can travel to visit friends and family on my own time ;-) 

On Monday, at 8:30 am, as I was walking up to a home in Gaithersburg, I looked up and smiled at a small plane flying close to the house. It was lightly snowing and it was beautiful. For some reason that day, the plane sighting was memorable & brought joy to my heart. It's probably because I was walking up to the home of one of my best friends, my confidant, my business coach, and now the mother-in-law of my favorite (and only!) brother Rob. Her name is Kristin. What better way to spend a Monday morning?

We packed up a rental truck for Rob & Tayden with beacoup d' wedding gifts, boxes, and furniture... My little brother, married... moving... and starting his life & business with his eternal partner, down in Wilmington, NC. It was an exciting day and a reflective day for me. 

Just before 11am, we had finished up loading the truck, and had gathered in the house to pray for Rob and Tay and their journey. As we are praying, I'm remembering when Rob was born (we're 7.5 years apart), I held him as a baby, I saw him go off to college, and saw him become a man... a married man, and I've seen him work his butt off as an entrepreneur. It was special & I'm so proud of him. 

As  we were praying, the family dog, Jake, was howling from outside, wanting to get back inside. It was different though. I think he may have heard the crash. 

It made us all laugh. We had no idea. I think I busted out laughing first, during Rob's prayer. I try to make a point to not laugh during prayer...unless it's just me and God. Me & God have the same sense of humor (that's probably true for you too!) and sometimes laughter is a part of prayer... but not usually in public. Ok, moving on...  

As Rob was praying, we also heard sirens. Actually, an abundance of sirens. I'm a former EMT, and as I'm hearing these sirens, I'm thinking, hmm... this is something big. I said a silent prayer for what was going on. We had no idea. 

We finished up our prayer, hugged, cried, and sent Rob & Tayden off to pack up more stuff at my parents house. Kristin and I stayed at the house and she showed me pictures from a trip she and her husband (and my other business coach), Terry, had just returned from. It was an all expenses paid trip to Vegas, paid for in full by the Amway corporation. She was showing me pictures and videos of some of their adventures, and we were just talking and dreaming about the future.

At the same time, less than a mile away, there was a tragedy unfolding. A small plane (the same type of plane that I'd been smiling at a couple hours earlier) lost control and hit a home, killing a mother, and her 2 young children, in addition to the 3 people on the plane. Looking back, we heard the response, and had no clue. 

We were praying; I was laughing... actually I think we were all laughing, I was just the one who couldn't keep it in! And we were sending my brother and his beautiful, new wife off to start their new life. 

It was less than a mile away from us. I mean we heard it. It could have easily been us. I'm not yet a wife, or a mother, and obviously I'll never be a dad, so I don't even know how to feel, respond, or even really speak on the subject. 

The only thing I can say is that we can't waste time. We are here for a mere moment. And in that moment, we must make a difference in other people's lives. Me must. We are all so capable of affecting others positively and stepping up to the plate. It could be financial, it could be time, it could be smiling and saying hello to someone at the grocery store. 

People everywhere are starving for positive attention (in my opinion!) There are so many times I simply ask people, "how's your day today?" I'm so amazed that most people I ask truly stop and say, 'thanks for asking, actually, x,y,z' And we connect. 

Let us be a people that loves on each other wherever we are. That we take each opportunity we have to inspire someone. That we take every moment we can to thank God for the blessings in our lives. That we live as if today makes a difference. It does. 

The outpouring of giving for the Gemmell family in financial giving has been incredible. Marie (wife), and their sons Cole & Devin are survived by Ken and their oldest child, Arabelle. Less than 48 hours after the incident, by the click of a mouse, a Good Samaritan initiated a response that has brought in over $322,000 in support. 

Please consider giving. 

And if nothing else, just be thankful for your family, your life and the impact you can have on your fellow man/woman.

Love y'all,


Sent from my iPad

Please consider donating:

Saturday, December 6, 2014


I'm so thankful to be surrounded by dreamers on a regular basis. Sometimes we (dreamers) are outcasted or "sympathetically" patted on the back for thinking outside the box. 

If you don't know better, you'll listen to the 'committee of they' who don't mind going through life as if it's expected. 

Some of us like spontaneity & change and we must be in pursuit of something all the time. That's me. 

I can't stop thinking about my calling, about who I can help, about what I can do to help others live better. 80% of my thoughts go to the team of entrepreneurs I've been blessed to be friends with & the people I've been entrusted to help live better. 

This is for all y'all that have ever had a fear or a doubt, who want to pursue something better or who are in pursuit and sometimes need a reminder that what you are doing is good and will be worth it. 


It's harder than I thought 
(It's ok, it'll be worth it)

It's taking longer than I expected 
(Don't fear, it'll be worth it)

It seems impossible 
(No doubt, it's positively worth it) 

A lot of people laugh at my dreams 
(Oh.. than it's definitely worth it)

I'm not that special
(Yes, you are, you're so worth it)

Nobody gets me
(You're still worth it)

Do I have what it takes?
('re totally worth it)

The price seems too high
(Nope, it's worth it)

Ok, Maybe I can do it 
(Yes, you are 100% worth it)

I believe I can
(Me too, you are so worth it)

I am pursuing my dreams
(Yes! It will be worth it)

Keep going no matter what the price, obstacle, or victory
(In the end the pursuit is so worth it)


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Roasted pepper & tomato soup

Looks and tastes like a bisque, but it's true identity is all vegetables! 

This recipe was inspired by my dear friend Stefanie, who is always in pursuit of a delicious and healthy recipe! She mentioned roasting tomato and red peppers and I'm thinking, this must be tried!

Super easy:

Preheat oven to 375

Cube up a tomato, red pepper, 1/4 onion and place in baking dish with cooking spray, along with 2 garlic cloves, salt and pepper. Roast for 30-min. 

Take out of the oven and wait 5 or so minutes. Blend in blender with 1T olive oil and serve! This made 1-2 servings (depending on if it's a starter or an entree) 

This is the fastest soup I've ever eaten!

Ps. I used a yellow tomato (thanks to my friends Justin & Sara who spoiled me with farmers market tomatoes), so yours will probably be a little redder if you use regular tomatoes. 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Quote or Believe?

This photo reps one of the most commonly spoken out bible verses ever. If you believe in Christ or not, ask yourself this:

Do you honestly believe that you can do all that you want? 
That you can overcome "x" challenge? 
That you can step out and do what you were called to do?

Learned this yesterday from an entrepreneur who has what I want in terms of impact & a platform to help others. 

He said:

"People can quote everything, but believe none of it"

This challenged me.

I can quote, and "pin" and put up a good Facebook status like all of y'all. But the question is, do I really believe it for me? 

Oh, I believe it for you.
But today I had to humbly ask, 'do I believe it for myself too?'

We are all capable of reaching our dreams & goals. All of us. You are. I am. We just are. 

I can quote inspiration all day long & talk to you about being capable. I love it. But do I truly believe it? 

That's called eating humble pie by the way  
(and I promise, it doesn't taste like cherry or pumpkin pie!)

If you have been exposed to Philippians 4:13 before, how many of you have spoken it, but not really, fully trusted the projection? It reads, 

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

This promise and profession may have helped you through good, bad or ugly times. 
Or you may speak it, but it has no life. You share it with someone, but it has no meaning to you. 

No matter where you are or what you see your future to be...

Here is my challenge & battle cry for you and for myself:

I will be a better believer than quoter
A better doer than sayer
A better achiever than what-if-er
The choice is yours. 

Thursday, July 24, 2014

My Grama Loretta Curry Miller

My grandmother is close to 91, although she looks like she's closer to 80. She's been teaching me lately about laughter, and appreciation and keeping a positive mental attitude. 

She loves every type of animal...I mean every type... from real ones to stuffed animals to statues of animals. 

She loves people. She laughs all the time. She smiles and does this salute type of hand gesture, often when we pass other people. 

When I ask her if she wants to pray, she often says "oh yes" and she immediately puts her hands together and bows her head.

She loves flowers and plants and the weather changes (me too!) As I take her on walks and rides in her wheelchair, she constantly says, "weeee!" as we flip around corners or I zig zag her through the hallways. She finds joy, when many find bitter. 

Every time I go to see her, she puts on this surprised "oh my goodness" face that turns into a huge, gracious smile. Then I sit down next to her and wrap my arm around her, and she just leans in and rests on my shoulder. I rub her back and her arms and just be. Sometimes I pull up the skin on her hand, to watch it return to its position slowly. She still gives me the same look, that's impossible to describe, that she did 20 years ago, when we did that to her as kids. It's hilarious. 

Somedays I wonder if she thinks I'm my mother when I come to visit. She always knows I'm someone important in her life, I mean, I am her oldest grandchild ;) ...but she doesn't ever call me by name. She sometimes gets confused by the family tree, and so I don't focus on that with her.  Instead, I focus on giving her simple experiences, like taking her out to the garden at Riderwood, and watching the little ducklings grow from week to week or stopping and really taking in the beautiful colors of all the flowers. Oops...but I could do without animals, but watching her get excited about seeing the ducks, makes me want to see them too, just to watch her reaction.

She's been teaching me, not through words, but through attitude. She appreciates little things. 

See, my grandmother has Alzheimer's, so to the best of our knowledge. As whatever it is has progressed, she doesn't remember names, or timelines, or sometimes even minute to minute. 

At the assisted living center where she lives, I often take her out for a ride in her wheelchair. All of the apartments have ledges or glass shelving where the residents can put out whatever they want, often flowers/plants or figurines or pictures, etc. There is the one trio of singing cat figurines that she just loves. Every time we pass them, she says "oh isn't that cute." Every time. Once I asked her positively, "Grama, have you ever seen these before?" She said no, even though by that time, I'd taken her by them at least 10 times. I don't explain to her then she has seen it, I just let her find joy and laughter and laugh and smile with her. You have too.

Today I helped her change her shirt and put a necklace on. This chick would never leave the house without a necklace on! She gave me the biggest, most appreciative smile on the planet. 

My Grama Loretta Miller was born a dreamer. Some of my favorite stories that she would tell of her childhood are just riveting. She grew up on a farm in Elk Point, South Dakota. As a kid, she would climb the ladder of the silo on their farm (for you urban folks, it's the tall cylinder type building on a farm and it's used to house grain!). It was the highest point she could get too, and she told me once, that she just wanted to see what was out there, to see how far she could see. And from what I've been told, her mischief often got her into trouble!

It may not be a surprise that when she turned 18, during WWII, she packed up and moved to SE Washington DC. Imagine a farm girl, in 1942 moving straight to the nations capital. Pretty impressive. She married my grandfather Jack, an Army-Air Force supply clerk and MP and they settled in Northern Virginia, where she lived in the same house for 50 years.

I know there were more dreamers in our family, but I just think about the bold move of a young girl, after being born into the Great Depression, moving halfway across the country to DC in 1942. What amazing courage!

I'm so thankful my Grama had a dream and I'm so thankful she's still teaching me about life even now, when her words don't often come out right. Let us all take more time to appreciate the small stuff, to smile at someone even if they don't smile back... On a side note, if you start smiling and saying hello to people you pass on the streets or hallways, you'll 1) improve your self image and 2) get to laugh more. This is too long to go into now, but the reactions you'll get from people is absolutely hilarious and worth stepping out of your comfort zone to experience. 

Let's just appreciate more and keep the positive at the tip of our tongues and embedded in our DNA.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Mirror mirror

It's amazing how the human mind works. I can only speak for myself, since I don't have access to anyone else's brain, but I will tell you that mine, like all of yours can play tricks on you. 

For as long as I've known, I've struggled with something called body dismorphia, where you look in the mirror and see yourself differently than you actually are. For me, I've always seen myself as overweight or unattractive or needing to change x,y, or z about my body. I only share this because I know other women can relate! 

It's only when I look at pictures that I get a reality check, 'oh, I'm totally fit' or 'ooh I look way better than I thought' 

During the last 2 and a 1/2 years, the scales have switched on me.. In all ways!

I went from always feeling like I was fat (even though looking back I was ridiculously fit!) to the other extreme of feeling confident with my body, as I steadily (legitimately) gained weight. 

How can one be more confident as they gain weight, versus being totally fit and thinking the opposite.

My goal is not to answer that question, but more to ask you a couple of questions back. 

1. When you look in the mirror, do you focus on what you love or what you don't love about your body.

Please focus on what you love.. Or like more..

2. Are you confident with your direction in life (having nothing to do with your body)?

Are you pursuing your dreams and going after stuff that matters.

I realized that part of the reason I was unhappy with my body is that I was unhappy with my life mission; my drive was lost, I had no day-to-day purpose.

Now I have passion, and purpose and a hope for the future, but I'm (eek!) 30 pounds heavier than I was 2+ years ago. And I'm more confident in my body now than I was then! 

Attached is a pic from a moment in time where I thought my body wasn't good enough (my hips are too big!)

I still have goals to take off some of the weight and body fat that I have accumulated over the past couple of years, but I am even more excited about pursuing my dreams and making a difference. 

My point is... If you are unhappy with your body, your friends, your spouse, your job, your boss, etc:

Take a moment to look in the mirror.
Not at your body, but at your life direction.

Ask yourself this, are you accomplishing what God put you on this earth to accomplish?

You don't need to be perfect, you just must be in pursuit. 

Having a definite major purpose in life will help you to overcome those negative bodily distractions.

You were meant to win. Now go out, change the image you see in the mirror and go win!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Why I Was Baptized Yesterday

(Pictures to come!) 

Yesterday was amazing. We played corn hole, we ate, we hung out with friends, we sung & played guitar on the beach, and 25 of us, got baptized in the Chesapeake Bay with the help of National Community Church, all of her pastors, staff, band, and other church goers, who just came out to experience t and show support. 

I was so thankful to have my parents, my sister & her 2 boys, my dear friend & fellow fitness enthusiast,Debra, and my wonderful business running buddies and great friends, Justin & Sara there to support me. I am so appreciative beyond words for all of them to be there. 

What was most amazing to me, was that while I was so thankful for my friends to be there, but they all thanked me for the opportunity to witness it and take part. That leaves me wordless. 
...Well I guess, not technically wordless, but you know what I mean!

I was baptized as an infant in the Catholic Church

I was taught in school and at church that baptism was for babies and converts 

I've believed in God for as long as I can remember, and growing up was super involved in church. 

In high school & college, I started exploring other Christian denominations, but I was one foot in one foot out with my faith. 

At 24, at a non-denominational Christian service at an entrepreneurs conference, I heard the words, "if you're 99% sure you're going to heaven, then you are 100% unsure." I was frozen, because at the time I was literally 99% sure! 

Then he said, "God loves it when people are bold for Him." Then I thought, 'oh no... That was meant for me.' And I walked forward amongst 15,000 people to accept officially Christ (along with about 2,000 others!)

In reality, I discovered that up to that point, I believed in God, but did not have a personal relationship with Jesus. "What does that even mean?"  (I often questioned)

After this, I talked to people about Jesus more boldly, but I was making more mistakes a month than I had my whole life, up to that point. 

For about 5 years, I made compromising decisions that didn't even fit in with anything I believed in. I didn't want to talk about my faith, because I had begun to believe that I was a poor example and that God couldn't use me broken (how wrong is that?!)

Anyway, in September of 2013, I desperately wanted to get my relationship with my Heavenly Father right, and I started reading from the Word almost everyday & praying consistently. I decided to lead a bible study table at another church (why not?!) We studied baptism and I listened to the perspective about getting baptized as a believer. 

Truly I had never thought about getting baptized, because I'd received it as a baby. 

My heart wouldn't let it go though. Around that time, good friends of mine shared the Baptism by the Bay video from NCC. I knew immediately,  I wanted to do it like that. 

I started to realize that if Jesus insisted on getting baptized (and he's obviously all in!),  then it was good for me to. 

I started attending NCC in April 2014, and I when I saw that Baptism on the Bay was happening, I knew this is how I was supposed to do it. For me, it's an act of faith and a stamp in my faith passport on the way to my calling. 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

15 Day Road Trip Starting in DC

Fly Road Trip

Alright y'all, this is about as detailed as I get planning a trip, but who's in?!

Day 1: 9:05 fly from DC to Nashville, TN, arrive at 11:30 am
Agenda-- buy a road trip worthy car, check into a resort hotel, go to the spa, then go to a Nashville country show/restaurant/whatever! 

Day 2: breakfast In Nashville, then drive to New Orleans ( 530 miles, 8 hours). Arrive by 8 pm with dinner reservations in the French Quarter. 

Day 3: tour New Orleans & eat beignets in the morn/ early afternoon, then drive to Dallas (500 miles, 7.5 hours)

Day 4: tour Dallas. Visit Chelsea & Edson! Leave for Austin, TX in late evening (3hr, 200 miles)

Day 5: hike in Austin, visit the sites, do a Texas food tour, buy from the best country boot store in America. Drive halfway (5 hours) toward White Sands, NM. 

Day 6: drive second half (5 hours) to White Sands National Park in NM.. One of my favorite places in the country. Hike, walk, experience White Sands.

Day 7: drive to Pheonix, AZ (440 miles, 6.5 hours). Rent bikes and do a long ride, rent dune biggies to hit up the desert, then hit the spa! 

Day 8: drive to Grand Canyon (220 miles, 3 hours)... Tour all day! Rent a helicopter for a scenic tour. 

Day 9: drive to Vail, CO (550 miles, 9 hours). Go night skiing & snow tubing!

Day 10: in Vail-- Snowmobile trip in late morning, snowboarding/ skiing in afternoon/ massages in the evening :-)

Day 11: drive to Mount Rushmore, SD (500 miles, 8 hours). Experience the monument and have a relaxing evening! Drive halfway ( 5 hours, 450 miles) toward Kansas City

Day 12: drive second half to KC, stop through Omaha and go to the zoo! In Kansas, Visit Monica's friends and go to a KC Royals game. 

Day 13: drive from Kansas City to St. Louis, MO (4 hrs, 250 miles). Visit the arch. Continue onto Chicago.

Day 14: do Chicago, shop, eat, visit Willis Tower, and the Bean. Stroll Michigan Ave. Stay downtown. 

Day 15: sell the car and fly back to DCA!  

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Why Being An Entrepreneur Is So Awesome

As an entrepreneur you're on all the time, your income fluctuates, you get up early and stay up late, you have independent health insurance, and your retirement plan is your business.  You're constantly thinking of new ideas, and products, and strategies to reach people, to help people, to improve society.

It sounds exhausting right?

The truth is, yes, it can be. Yes, there are moments when you want to throw in the towel and go get a job flipping burgers or apply to have a cushy office position with a view.

But an entrepreneur has a desire to discover, to press forward, to find solutions. We sometimes live in self-afflicted (temporary) misery in order to move things forward. But we wouldn't trade it for any salaried job in the world. 

Entrepreneurs can't help but get there hands dirty. We have or be involved. We want to help people. 

Today I treated myself to coffee at my favorite local spot at 7am. I asked the sweet girl how her day was, and she said with a smile, "we're out of regular coffee." Her tone indicated that her regular customers wouldn't be excited about this. I immediately asked questions like, "who's your supplier?" "Aren't they right down the street?" "Can't we fix this?" I found myself trying to problem solve a business problem that 1) wasn't mine, and 2) i wasn't asked to fix. I had to bite my tongue and walk away. But.. It was hard! If I had a wholesaler coffee connection, I would've offered my services. I still am looking into how I can help. But this is a simple example... entrepreneurs can't help but get involved and seek solutions.

Ok onto the even more awesome part.. Here are a couple of bullet points about why being your own boss is so amazing:

1. Flexibility

This is so key. I personally operate 2 businesses, one which is local and requires my physical presence (personal training) and the other which can be run at any hour, from anywhere, with a smartphone or tablet. With the second option, I don't have to worry about being in a specific spot... If I have a call set up with a partner, I can be in DC or Hawaii and get the same result. With the latter, I can send a fellow entrepreneur videos and education through an app, and my newest partner can educate themselves, while I'm working out, sleeping or meeting face to face with another business partner.

2. Control 

Continuing on from flexibility. The ability to control your schedule and only dedicate time where you find to be of value. When I worked for someone else, I didn't get to decide who I met with or the terms of our meeting. As an entrepreneur, you are in control of your time & your associations. This is priceless.

3. No ceiling 

When I was naive to the corporate world, I thought that my bosses wanted to help me progress, purely. As I got "older" in the industry.. I learned... Not the case. As am entrepreneur, the only ceiling that exists is the one you place on yourself. Your expectations, your vision and the action you take toward your dreams and goals affect how your story plays out. You can write yourself in the lineup of a successful entrepreneur, and do what most don't even dare to dream about.

4. Freedom

My favorite word.. What the great United States of America was founded on. I've heard many an entrepreneur say, that you are not free in America until you are financially free. While owning your own business will take work, and it may take your blood, sweat, and tears (so to speak)... My personal training business has literally taken all of those! 

Anyway.. owning your own business and being an entrepreneur is not for the's not for the lazy.. It's not for someone looking for a quick fix. Anything that produces success is going to take work, work ethic, commitment, focus, and follow through. The reward is worth it. 

I'm going to be expanding on this topic in the coming months. It's on my heart to educate on entrepreneurism. My hope is that whether your goal is to make an extra $3,000 or $3,000,000 a year, this series will benefit you.

In health & prosperity,


Friday, May 16, 2014

Taking Shots

Today I had a cool opportunity to shoot some hoops for a few minutes. It had been awhile, although I used to have a great shot.  I took around 30 shots and made one.. One!! 

It was funny. 
It was semi-embarrassing (although I was the only who saw--hopefully)

And it got me thinking. 

If you had seen me, it would have looked weird. I kept laughing at myself, in a jovial way, but kept taking shots, although my head was saying, stop while you've only missed 10, 20, 25 shots.. 

I kept going. 

I made 1/30 shots. 

But that 1 shot... Let me tell you... It was perfect. I knew as soon as it left my hands it was a swoosh. I could feel it. It was a win. Even a few hours later, I still remember the sweet feeling of that shot. It was beautiful and I owned that shot... 

Somehow the other 29 misses didn't matter. I may remember the comedy of the missed shots, but I think about/ remember the victory of that 1 perfect shot.

(And let me just clarify... In my mind it was perfect.. Thank goodness there is no YouTube evidence! If you're a ball player you may have cringed... But to me.. It was beautiful!)

How much does this apply to life, to success, to striving for a goal? I've experienced this other times: Crossing the finish line at my first marathon, playing the chimes perfectly during a band concert in high school (when I had no business in that position), hitting a new PR with my deadlift, starting my own business and walking away from a W-2 forever, and experiencing someone else succeed at a goal that I played a small part in. 

We all take shots, and we all fail. 

Mistakes are a part of life. 
It's good. 
If you were perfect, you wouldn't have anything to strive for. 
The goal is not perfect.
The goal is to set a goal and go after it with your whole heart. 
To do something that matters. 

Does it matter that I played basketball for a few minutes today? No. But what matters is the lesson.

Sometimes you take shots. And you may miss a lot. But with consistency and a not-giving-up attitude, you will hit that sweet shot and it'll inspire you to go for another.

What if, in your life, for ever "30 shots" you take, you get 1 swoosh?
Is it worth the fight? The repetition? The semi-potential-humiliation?!

I say yes, and I encourage you to go for the swoosh (whatever that means to you in your life). Look back on the missed shots with humor, take the failure in stride, and remember the feeling of the swoosh because it won't just happen once. 

The more shots you take, the more swooshes you'll get. You won't care about the missed shots. 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Even if you're opposed, stick to what you know!

Today at the grocery store, my meager total came to $8.71 and I gave $20 cash.

I received back 4 five dollar bills and a single (or $21).

"You gave me to much change"  I said.

"No, you gave $20 and this is your change."

I had to argue with the sweet woman at the register on how she gave me too much. She was so persistent that she was right, that for a brief moment, I wondered if I couldn't add right (when was the last time you received 4 five-dollar bills as change!).

I think she was just overwhelmed with her work.

We had a positive tiff (although I knew I was right!) and once she really realized (and after I humbly said, maybe I'm wrong!), she said, "thank you for saving me..."

How easy would it have been to walk away!.

And how easy would it be for her employer to fire her.

Living with integrity is vital. I'm not trying to boost myself in any way (trust me!), but I think that if we can all live in a way that serves others and helps them out, we will have a better society.

It doesn't matter that she fought me and thought I was would have been so easy to take the extra $10... And then could have been fired!

Let's do people right, no matter how argumentative they are!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

2 Snack Plates for 200 Calories or Less

If you love to eat but want to eat less, without feeling deprived...

If you have trouble with too much snacking and want to reduce your calories but still "eat a lot," try out one of these snack plates. The ingredients/combos may seem kind of random, but it will give you something to munch on, plus take a break between bites. Enjoy with a big glass of ice water!

Movie Night Snackers Plate
145 calories
1/2 cup low fat popcorn
1/4 green pepper (sliced)
7-8 baby carrots
2 tbsp salsa
1 tbsp hummus
1/2 cup raspberries
10 grapes

Mid-Afternoon Snackers Plate
190 calories
4 olives
1/2 cup celery
1/2 tbsp peanut butter
1 (66 g) plum (fruit+(2-1/8"+dia))
1/2 cup strawberries
60 calorie Jello pudding cup

You'll be surprised at how much this fills you up and can help stop cravings and overdo it!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

5 Recipes for Everyday or Entertainment!

Recipe #2: Edamame Cups!
The past 5 recipes that I have posted on my alter-ego food blog, are all multi-functional. Each can be made at home or totally used for a dinner party, bridal/baby shower, casual get-together with friends, etc. What's cool about each of these is that none of them involve a lot of ingredients or any ingredients that leave you thinking, 'and where do I get that from.'

As we move into 2014, I know healthy eating and quick cooking is key! We are all busy, yet w
e all still want to maintain health and provide healthy options when we entertain!


1. Turkey, Avocado, Swiss Wrap Pizza: take your favorite wrap and turn it into a hot, personal sized pizza! This recipe takes 10-min and is gluten-free!

2. Edamame Salad w/ Homemade "Ranch" Dressing: make a batch to eat throughout the week or serve in cupcake cups! It's yummy, fun and high fiber!

3. My Italian Chile Relleno: I know...what does that mean? It's 4 ingredients and it happened because I was at the international market and got inspired! Everything about it is Mexican, except for the sauce, which is marinara!

4. Radish & Kale Salad with a light vinegarette: a beautiful dish filled with flavor, nutrition, iron and fiber!  A great side dish for salmon, steak or chicken!

5. Spaghetti Squash with Kale & Parmesan: exactly as it sounds! An alternative to pasta and a simple way to save money, pack a lunch and get multiple vitamins in one dish!

Self Image Victory

This post may really be girls only, but I'm going to make it appropriate for all. If you're a girl and you want to talk deeper about this stuff, get in touch with me and I'd be happy too!

Today I had an amazing experience in the fitting room while trying on dresses for my friends wedding this coming Saturday.

For the first time in my life, I tried on several dresses and didn't criticize my body.

Typically when trying on dresses, I say in my head things like, "if only your hips were smaller you could fit in this dress" or "your stomach looks fat in this" or "why are my legs so stocky" etc etc.

Girls, relate?

Today my head voice said instead, "nah, that's not the right style for you" and "this dress just isn't cut right for your figure"  and gasp... "you look totally cute in this, it just needs to be cut differently!"

This may not sound like a big difference, but it is! I've spent hours and days searching for the right dress that covers up all the right places and that "doesn't make me look fat" (insert unwelcome yet influential negative head voice)

But today, I was confident in my body. Why?

Well...I have no idea! But I will think about it.

I'm not currently in the best shape of my life and my weight is a bit higher than I'd like. I'm still fit, healthy, and strong, don't get me wrong, but there are so many factors that can mess with your self image, especially when it comes to buying and wearing clothes that are outside your comfort zone (I wear gym clothes, not dresses everyday!)

The only 3 theories I have are this: 

1.  I'm 31. Is that why? Does getting older (not that I'm old!) really affect your self image to where you care less about being body perfect?

The only comparison I have to this shaving your legs. Girls, remember when you first started shaving your legs and for about 10-15 years after, you wouldn't dare wear shorts or capris or a skirt without shaving your legs that day? Once you get to a certain point/age/personal comfort level, you don't care as much and you'll go to the gym without perfectly shaved legs! (and you still survive)

2. I've worked on my self image for years. Reading books, listening to motivational audios, and pursuing a dream that's bigger than how my butt looks in my jeans truly helps me to be more comfortable with who I am and how God made me.

3. Seeing it: Today I watched a short vid that I saw on yahoo's home page about photoshop transformations with celebrities, actors, etc.  It really hit me, that no one has the absolute perfect body, skin, etc. The crazy thing is, I think some of these chicks looked better before they were "transformed!"

This may be the reason I was confident in the dressing room today, from watching one video... a 1:37 minute video that someone put time and effort into, but that helped me (after a lifetime of personal criticism) realize that no one is perfect, no matter what the pictures say.

I watched this video this morning at about 7:30 am and it's now 5:22 pm, so obviously I was affected by it. Something about it, made me more accepting of the small bags under my eyes (when I get up close in the mirror), the little crease in my love handle area, or the shape the God blessed me with.

If you struggle with what you see in the mirror--

1) know you're not the only one--in fact, I bet we could recruit millions who feel the same way, but

2) know you are lovely, and beautiful and important and that what you have to contribute to this world is not dependent on how cute your toosh is, how flat your stomach is, how perfectly balanced your skin is, how thick, curly, straight your hair is.

3) your curves or non curves are perfect and someone is gonna like them! 

We are all made unique and we all have something different to contribute to this world.

One of the biggest things that holds us girls especially back, is being comfortable in our own skin, our own body, to make an impact.

I don't care what you look like, how much you weigh, what your education is, how much you have or haven't done toward your dream...You are important. You have value. There is something in you that the world needs. Don't waste it by being consumed with your own beauty self image. This holds a lot of us girls back, and it shouldn't. We become attractive by our passions, by that look in your eye of the pursuit, the look of resilience, the look of "I'm on a mission, don't mess with me." Yes. This is more attractive than what you think is a perfect figure.

Girls, the world needs you to step up and do what you are called too! Look in the mirror and see a strong, successful, warrior chick who can change the world.


Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year's Resolution Tips

Although I'm not a huge fan of telling you what not to do, I am a big fan of helping you be successful for 2014! 

For one, rename your "New Years Resolutions" ..... "New Years Goals" 

Please :) 

Setting a goal has so much more potential power, than planning a resolution. 

We must set goals that have a plan, a purpose, a "yes I have an idea of where I am going" feel.

Goals have to be specific. 

"Get out of debt" is not a's a wish. 

"I am putting aside $20-$100 from my paycheck every 2 weeks" is a goal! 

"For 30 days, I only buy groceries (on a modest budget), pay my bills and fill my car with gas when needed" is a goal!

We must have a plan to get what we want, otherwise we will be at the same spot at the end of the year 2014...and I am not ok with that. I hope you aren't either. 

Your life may already be awesome. I have no complaints about mine. But...we can all be better people, give more, fulfill our dreams more and be better people.

So let's go over some generic resolutions that may need a little tlc/tough love to make them actual goals. 

Develop a "why" and a "what" to your goals, as well as a plan to achieve them!

Let's examine general new year's resolutions further:

1. Lose weight. How much? By when? Is this realistic? (check with someone who knows AND will support your goals). What do I need to do to accomplish this?

2. Exercise....  Where? What time? (schedule it!). What is my workout schedule/goal/progression? Etc...

3. Drink more water. What does that mean? How much? How am I going to do this? Do I need to buy a water bottle and refill it "x" times per day? Do I need to buy disposable water bottles and drink "x" per day? 

And so on...

Ask yourself questions about what you want to accomplish and make a plan for actually achieving it. 

You can do it. 

It just takes: 

Focus, determination, discipline and a little faith!