Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year's Resolution Tips

Although I'm not a huge fan of telling you what not to do, I am a big fan of helping you be successful for 2014! 

For one, rename your "New Years Resolutions" ..... "New Years Goals" 

Please :) 

Setting a goal has so much more potential power, than planning a resolution. 

We must set goals that have a plan, a purpose, a "yes I have an idea of where I am going" feel.

Goals have to be specific. 

"Get out of debt" is not a's a wish. 

"I am putting aside $20-$100 from my paycheck every 2 weeks" is a goal! 

"For 30 days, I only buy groceries (on a modest budget), pay my bills and fill my car with gas when needed" is a goal!

We must have a plan to get what we want, otherwise we will be at the same spot at the end of the year 2014...and I am not ok with that. I hope you aren't either. 

Your life may already be awesome. I have no complaints about mine. But...we can all be better people, give more, fulfill our dreams more and be better people.

So let's go over some generic resolutions that may need a little tlc/tough love to make them actual goals. 

Develop a "why" and a "what" to your goals, as well as a plan to achieve them!

Let's examine general new year's resolutions further:

1. Lose weight. How much? By when? Is this realistic? (check with someone who knows AND will support your goals). What do I need to do to accomplish this?

2. Exercise....  Where? What time? (schedule it!). What is my workout schedule/goal/progression? Etc...

3. Drink more water. What does that mean? How much? How am I going to do this? Do I need to buy a water bottle and refill it "x" times per day? Do I need to buy disposable water bottles and drink "x" per day? 

And so on...

Ask yourself questions about what you want to accomplish and make a plan for actually achieving it. 

You can do it. 

It just takes: 

Focus, determination, discipline and a little faith! 

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