Monday, November 14, 2011

Don't Burn the Turkey, Burn Calories!

Calories Burned with Thanksgiving/Fall Activities!

Tis the season of action! Cooking, cleaning, cooking, raking leaves, catching up with friends, attending parties; it's endless! As the weather gets chilly, the leaves fall and there is more demand on your free time, it's important to take time to exercise and continue making healthy choices! You deserve to know what some seasonal activities yield in calorie burn.

Do 45 minutes of any of these exercises and burn calories!

Catching up with friends/family on phone: 60 calories
Washing Dishes: 126 calories
Cooking: 148 calories
Loading/Unloading car (carrying your turkey from the car!): 178 calories
Raking: 222 calories
Playing with your kids outdoors: 222 calories
Ashtanga Yoga (to chill after all the work you've done!) : 290 calories
Touch Football (continuous): 490 calories

Based on calculation for a 165 pound person. Check out calories burned based on your weight and activities: