Saturday, February 1, 2014

2 Snack Plates for 200 Calories or Less

If you love to eat but want to eat less, without feeling deprived...

If you have trouble with too much snacking and want to reduce your calories but still "eat a lot," try out one of these snack plates. The ingredients/combos may seem kind of random, but it will give you something to munch on, plus take a break between bites. Enjoy with a big glass of ice water!

Movie Night Snackers Plate
145 calories
1/2 cup low fat popcorn
1/4 green pepper (sliced)
7-8 baby carrots
2 tbsp salsa
1 tbsp hummus
1/2 cup raspberries
10 grapes

Mid-Afternoon Snackers Plate
190 calories
4 olives
1/2 cup celery
1/2 tbsp peanut butter
1 (66 g) plum (fruit+(2-1/8"+dia))
1/2 cup strawberries
60 calorie Jello pudding cup

You'll be surprised at how much this fills you up and can help stop cravings and overdo it!