Thursday, August 16, 2012

Get a New Perspective

I know you have goals. You wouldn't be clicking into a blog about a healthy attitude if you didn't have goals, dreams, ambitions, or simply a drive to improve your life. I really like blogging about attitude and health and helping people realize they are capable of more (and just in case you were are capable of so much more!). For the last 60-days, I've taken a break from this blog, because I had to make sure that I was living out what I was posting here. This was a decision based purely on my own personal goals and dreams. It was effective.

Today's topic is how to gain a new perspective and get your creative juices flowing. The premise is simple. It starts at home and then extends to your sphere of influence and people that you meet out and about living your life.

Let's start with the home.

Sometimes, we can get so focused on our routine or the rut that we've created for ourselves, that we lose perspective on the goals we set out for. It's easy to come home from a long day of work or a grueling weekend with the family, it's easy to come home, plop on the couch and not pursue your goals.

In my experience, here are a couple of things that you can do at home to liven up your regular routine and change your perspective on the home front.

1) Rearrange furniture. Changing your view from your favorite chair is a great way to get creative juices flowing and set up a new habit. This week, I moved my couch from along a wall to kind of caddy cornered along another wall and faced my favorite arm chair toward the windows. It's a whole different view and I've been even more productive since.

2) Get new sheets or curtains for your bedroom. Changing up the colors that you are surrounded with when you wake up and go to sleep can help get your creativeness sparked. If you've got white or cream colored sheets, go for something bold like red or something mellow and soothing like a light turquoise. Changing a color of a view from the bedroom can inspire you in the morning, because it is showing you something new.

3) Stock your fridge with something fresh and healthy that you've never put in there. It could be seltzer and lemons (make some lemonade in a pitcher!). It could be a big fruit salad that looks you in the eye everytime you open the fridge. The point is, break out of your regular routine and try something new!

4) Be spontaneous. Go to a movie after work on a whim. Take a Saturday morning and ride your bike outside for a couple hours. Go to that big flea market you see advertised and have never made it too. Make coffee and sit and read a magazine or a good book. Grab your spouse or your best friend and drive 2 hours out of town just to go out to dinner in a different state. Just do something you don't regularly do and you will find that your stretched mind will look for more ways to get what you want!

5) Dream big. Think of something you want that you can't afford or can't get right now (today). Print out a picture of it and then write out what you would have to do to get it. It's not about being materialistic, but about being honest with yourself about how you can meet a goal, if it is a true desire. Write out the plan and then post it where you'll see it daily, maybe the bathroom mirror, your car or your bedside. It could be anything, a new car, a designer purse or shoes, or it could be a charity/community organization you've had the heart for, for years. Whatever it is, put it in front of you, and you'll be more likely to move toward achieving it!

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