Thursday, September 8, 2011

Indulge AND Avoid the Bulge?!

Life is meant to be enjoyed. We are meant to live abundantly and in good health, so why live with such large restrictions when it comes to food. I am a huge fan of food. Actually more so, a huge fan of food that tastes amazing and is good for the body. Yes, it is possible!

Today, I now consider a homemade smoothie with simple ingredients like greek yogurt, strawberries, peaches and pineapple, an indulgence. It's healthy, and tastes like ice cream (winner!). The reason I consider it an indulgence is because to take the time for myself to make it, is not always a luxury I allow in the morning. I vow today, to make this more of a habit. What are your healthy indulgences? Do good for your body on a daily basis and it will do good for you!

Indulging will mean something different for everyone. Maybe you love chocolate and choose to indulge in a small amount daily or just occasionally. Maybe you enjoy butter on your bread or potato. By the way, a surprisingly flavorful way to dress a baked potato with with a few drops of soy sauce, fresh horseradish and chives. Maybe you love ice cream or potato chips or just an old fashioned American cheeseburger. Whatever it is for you, decide to indulge sometimes, and be good most of the time. You can be good with moderation (not overeating) or by only enjoying your indulgences occasionally (I promise it will taste even better this way!)

So what does indulging have to do with "avoiding the bulge." Discovery Health blogger and fitness expert, Jonathon Ross, posts Mind Over Milkshakes: Do We Eat Less if We Indulge? Interesting comparison of how labels and perception can potentially affect your metabolism!

Indulging (or allowing yourself to eat tasteful foods) in moderation is one of the keys to controlling your weight and enjoying food and the experiences that go along with it. Learn what this means for you and your lifestyle; discover what to indulge in often (and what to save for special occasions); and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I like this a lot:) One way I like to indulge is to just leave myself a lot of time so I can enjoy my food, whatever I am eating, without being in a rush.
