Monday, December 9, 2013

6 Signs You're An Entrepreneur

These are a couple basic concepts I learned over time, as I moved from working for someone else to working for myself! You may relate, you may not :-)

1. You don't view your boss as having control over you and you stand up for yourself when asked to do something that is against your beliefs/values/ or whatever the heck you think is right!

(sometimes you can't explain why you rebel--whether verbally or in your head--but you just do!)

2. Based on #1, you act on this and you do what you believe, even if it's the opposite of what's asked of you. You still have integrity, you just don't conform because "the boss said so" (oops!)

Often you get promoted for this type of action, but you could also get fired ;-)

3. On that note, you may try to get fired because you're frustrated

You have a good work ethic, so you most likely won't outright quit, because you don't want to let other people down....But while you're "trying to get fired" you're planning out your own business, not looking for another job. I've been there!

4. And speaking of, you work harder and have a better work ethic than most others that work around you

For example, I knew I was an entrepreneur at 18 when I worked at a sporting goods store in the apparel department--I worked my butt off, harder than anyone else at that store. I found out that one of my co-workers who worked in the fishing department and smoked pot on his break and had like 1 customer a day made $0.75 more per hour than me. It wasn't a money thing, it was the principle. Moving on...

5. You have ideas that others think are crazy and you are constantly dreaming up new ones

Let's face it. You think outside the box, while most stay inside the box. As an entrepreneur, you have to control yourself and focus on 1-2 ideas at a time, and write all the other ones down to potentially use at a later date.

6.  At work, if there's nothing to do, you create work (productive work) that will benefit your industry or it's clients & customers.

You aren't afraid of work. You like to contribute. You want to make a difference.

These are my top 6 "signs of an entrepreneur" There are plenty more, and I'll post more in the future. Just wanted to post something fun that would 1) make you laugh, 2) possibly make you think I'm nuts, 3) make you mad if you are an entrepreneur, but not yet,  and you want to pursue something on your own ;-) 

In health & prosperity,

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