Sunday, December 8, 2013

Monica's Christmas Traditions

At first I thought this topic may be a little off-base for the purpose and goal of  thewellwithall. Then I realized that joyful traditions are healthy and that contributes perfectly to the season and what I want to share with you.

My family has 2 real traditions..that's it. One was instigated by my mom and one by my dad. I'm thankful for both and I anticipate the delivery of each, when the time is right.

Tradition #1: 10-year b-day cards

Every year, around our birthday, my dad writes each of his kids a be delivered 10 years later! It's amazing. Now that I am 30+, I remember 10 years ago, but when we were younger it was cool to read about what we were doing & thinking and how we were developing. It's amazing how the dreams of a 5-year old can be similar to a 15-year old and a 15-year old dreams & personality is similar to a 25-year old. So that's #1-- if you have kids, I encourage you to start this tradition--your kids will totally appreciate it!

Tradition #2 : Tis the Season!

My mother loves Christmas, and she passed it on to me. Growing up, we could not pass by a Christmas store without stopping. She loves it. My mother has a collection of angels that she puts out every year; as an adult it's been fun to add to this collection. She also loves nativities.

For us kids, my dad, and Grama, she gets us an ornament every year that relates to something we've either accomplished that year or something that is a goal. It is always positive. Every year I love opening up my Christmas box and decorating my tree with the positive memories of my past and the even more exciting visions of my future!

One of my favorite ornaments is a light green glass ball, with etched white Christmas trees on it. It represents one of my goals, to own a Christmas tree farm, where I can cultivate Christmas trees and then give them away, along with a Christmas dinner for families who can't afford to buy a real tree. I want to build a mini-barn on the property, where others can come to cut down their own Christmas tree and enjoy hot chocolate and healthy snacks ;-) while doing so.

Another is simply a gold ice skate. I have a dream to train for 6-months like an Olympic figure skater. I have no talent regarding coordination and I will first have to learn how to skate semi-properly. But...this is a dream I've had for a long time, to push myself to the limit in that capacity. Why? I have no idea--it's just there! My mom bought me a figure skate ornament as a reminder of that dream.

I share this to tell you: 

1) Please keep your dreams in front of you, and encourage those around you to pursue their dreams (and tell them they can do it!)

I believe that anyone who puts their mind to a goal or dream can accomplish it. I don't care where you came from or what you have or have not accomplished. You can.

2) My life is not a fairy tale. I'm sharing with you one aspect of my life. Please don't read and think that this is fake. It's not! It's also ok for you to do something like this for your kids, your siblings, your friends, or even your parents. If you don't have supportive people around you, keep it to yourself (especially the 10-year card thing--you can keep it to yourself til then!)

One day, if you are still following, you can read my story and know that it's not all snowflakes and ornaments! But I choose to focus on the future (and trust me, this is a daily, sometimes minute by minute decision). I choose to focus on positive memories. And joy. My family has experienced tragedy (a couple events at Christmas). But I won't let this get in the way of my joy. God wants us to experience joy. He doesn't want our lives to suck. He wants us to live in abundance and to teach others how to do the same.

Merry Christmas!
If you'd like, I'd love to hear your traditions too.

In health & prosperity,

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