Sunday, December 30, 2012

Training with a Goal

After years of training with and without a goal, I have come to realize that training with a goal is way better than training without a goal. More specifically, a goal with a deadline.

Last year I ran a marathon. I knew that it had a date and I knew I needed to be prepared or my legs would fall off on race day :)

That race was in October and I haven't had a specific fitness goal since (aside from doing 30 hikes in 30 days, which was different in my opinion!).

Three weeks ago, I started training for the a half marathon in March. I ran 3-miles. Two days later,  I ran 4. I've been lifting and working out, but more randomly. Usually it's intense, but sometimes its not.

Having a goal makes all the difference in the world!

Even just knowing that I am training for an event has my mindset different when it comes to my workouts. For example, when I was training for the marathon, I knew I had to train, or I wouldn't be able to do it.

In my opinion, you must set your goals higher than you think possible. This will spur you to action.

It's always better to be overprepared, than under-prepared.

So pick your event or goal and pursue it!

I've been training for 3-weeks for the half marathon with my friend Sarah. We push & motivate each other which is awesome. If one of us is running faster than the other, we want to match each other. It's awesome, because it pushes us both.

Working as a team we can accomplish more than we could on our own.

Find someone who has a similar goal and latch on to them. Make sure they are a positive influence on you and then use each other as accountability partners.

This week we move into 5 and 6-mile runs. I'm excited about it, but kind of hope I can run outside and not on a treadmill ;) We can't always be picky though!

Pick your goal and pursue it whole-heartedly!

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