Monday, November 19, 2012

Three Tips for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is full of fun, football and lots of eating and merriment. I think everyone has their own strategy for getting through the day, some aiming to avoid the tryptophan induced nap and others seeing how long it takes to make the belt buckle pop. 
Here are my 3 basic tips for attacking Thanksgiving with a healthy attitude: 

1. Eat breakfast on Turkey Day. I hear many people say, they are not going to eat all day until the big meal so that they can eat more. That's a pretty unhealthy strategy, because by the time you get to mealtime, you're going to be super hungry and eat way too fast and way too much. Eat breakfast and kick start your metabolism to process your food properly and keep you energized for the busy day.

2. Drink lots of water starting now and all throughout the day on Thanksgiving, whether you're the cook, the entertainer or the guest. With heavier dishes and potentially lots of salt and cream, drinking water will not only keep you hydrated, but help you absorb what you are eating more efficiently.
3. Treat yourself! Thanksgiving is all about being grateful and celebrating abundance. Control your portions, but don't skip out on something because you feel like you shouldn't eat it; that's no fun! If you want to try everything (I usually do!), take a small spoonful of each thing on your first round and then go back and get more of the things you liked best for your second round. Savor your food and slow it down, so you can enjoy every bite.

Give thanks and Happy Thanksgiving!
In health and prosperity, 

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