Friday, November 23, 2012

10 Ways to Stay Healthy Between Thanksgiving & Christmas

1. Drink lots of water. As you hustle & bustle around, you'll need to be well hydrated. You'll also crave less junk and sweets if you keep up with your water. Read 10 Health Benefits of Water.

2. Take 5-20 minutes a day to do something light and relaxing everyday, like reading a novel, doing a crossword, sipping tea, going for a walk, taking a class, or simply sitting with your eyes closed reflecting. Spending time refocusing on your goals and mission is well worth it.

3. Pack up temptations and give them away. After a dinner party or event, don't hang onto treats that can take you away from your goals. You probably know your weaknesses, so work to eliminate those from your home.

4. Shop online and set a time limit. While shopping at the mall during the holidays is a great way to get your heart rate up ;), make a list of what you want to gift and then find your gifts online. Look for companies that offer an easy return policy, in case your purchases aren't what you expected. When you are online, set an alarm, so that you don't spend too much time doing it!

5. Go ice skating with your friends. Sounds child-like, but that's the fun! It's active, refreshing and a great way to get some laughs with your favorite friends. We tend to gather around food during the holidays, so this year set a new standard for time with your buds. If you don't like to skate, try hiking or even a walking tour at your local botanical gardens.

6. Have some hot cocoa. Yes, that's right! After a long day, put on your slippers, light a fire (if you've got a fireplace!) and warm-up with a cup of hot cocoa. Check out Ellie Krieger's Ginger Spiced Hot Cocoa Recipe, for inspiration.

7. Plan a movie night. Whether it's with friends or your spouse and kids, pick a family friendly, positive movie to watch together. During the movie, clear your mind of everything on your to-do list, your shopping list and your obligations at work. Focus where you are and have fun! Provide some healthy munchies, like fresh popped popcorn, hummus and carrot sticks, or green peppers and salsa.

8. Set your plan for exercise now...this is key! Be real with yourself. If you've been making it to the gym once a week, don't decide that you're now going to go 5 days a week between now and New Years. Aim to add a day of the gym and maybe some home exercise in. Think about what works best for you, plan it out and stick to it. Know in advance, what days you'll workout so that you don't get to the end of a week (or a month) and think, "shoot, I never exercised."

9. Focus on fruits, veggies, and lean protein at home. While you can't necessarily control what's put in front of you at a party, you can control what you choose to make available at home. When you aren't at family gatherings or holiday parties, make a point to get in plenty of fruits, veggies and lean protein. To keep track, try an app, like Munch 5 a-day. Keep track of your fruit and veggie intake, as you go about your day!

10. Limit your beverages. This season especially, there are so many temptations when it comes to beverages, from coffee drinks (peppermint mocha and pumpkin spiced lattes from Starbucks are my weakness!), to soda and punches at parties, to beer, wine and cocktails. While limited amounts of any of these beverages are ok, indulging too often can lead you to undesirable results. At home and out, stick to water, as much as possible and set an indulgence limit to 1-3 times per week. Check out this article on American beverage consumption & calories.

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