Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Pull Down the Rear View Mirror

Finding Your Why

This is so simple, yet we often make it so complicated. Many of us try to get deep and try and discover why we are on this earth. Others of us, don't really think about it at all, but just want to have fun. Others of us, have no idea where to start when it comes to the "WHY."

What is the "why"??

It's why you get up in the morning...sometimes it could be as simple as, 'I have to go to work so that I can pay the rent.' When you have kids, it could turn into, 'I have to work so that I can pay the rent, feed the kids and buy some diapers."  If you're single like me, it may not be as serious, but it still warrants thought. It could be, 'I want to provide a decent space for my parents to stay when they visit' or 'I want to take my little brother on a trip after he graduates college.'

If you relate to any of these whys, that's awesome. They are all really financial whys. You need money and time to do all these things. Isn't that the truth with almost any goal?

It doesn't mean that you are materialistic. But don't most goals involve having more time or money (or both?).

One of my for real goals is to become a motivational speaker (of sorts). To travel and speak and influence others to live better and to the full potential.  It's more of an intangible goal that say, a school teacher or a dental hygeneist. With these careers, you get educated, you pass tests, you get experience and then you get a job. Not easy, but pretty straight forward.

When talking about being a motivational speaker, who travels and writes, how do you prep for that? What do you do?

I imagine there are many out there with goals that lend the question, "What should I do to get myself closer to my goal?!"

The truth is simple.

You get around people who are doing what you want to do.

Truly successful people rise and get excited about helping others be successful.

Keep searching until you find the help or the mentorship you need. If you have ever thought of owning your own business and learning from those who live the ultimate lifestyle, email me and I'll hook you up (just saying!)

Your why is truly something that makes you emotional to talk about. If you start to talk about your why and you get choked up, that means it's something that's important to you and you need to keep pursuing it.

On the contrary, if you think something is your why, but it doesn't drive you to do the work necessary to achieve the result needed, it's not your why. Even if it's important. We are not all created to solve everything.

Just because something sounds like a good cause, does not mean it's YOUR cause.

Keep looking until you find your cause, and then take away your rear view mirror and drive forward!

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