Sunday, May 13, 2012

A Call for Urban Chivalry

Ladies and gentlemen, today let's discuss an important element of health that is not often related to our well-being:

Making a positive impact on others through the smallest of actions

Everyday we can make small gestures to improve the well-being of our own self and the lives of others; on the Metro, the bus, walking, shopping, getting on and off the elevator, etc etc. The small stuff, that we do mundanely, everyday in order to survive, thrive and live. So, how does it work?

It's not necessary to delve into a bunch of negative stories about the person who cut you off while driving or the person who doesn't move aside on the Metro no matter how many times, you say "excuse me" politely. We all have these stories.

Instead, let it be our duty, to raise ourselves to a higher standard, regardless of the actions of others around us. One of the definitions of chivalry is "the sum of the ideal qualifications of a knight including courtesy, generosity, valor, and dexterity in arms." Click here for the definition of dexterity -- I certainly had to look it up ;) We don't have to knights (or even men) to practice the art of chivalry.

Heres' what we can everyday, in our cities and hometowns to make a simple, positive impact:

On the Metro (or your local train and bus system)
If you are healthy and stable on your feet, give up your seat for pregnant women, anyone older than you, parents with kids, or anyone who looks like they just may need to sit.

A few weeks ago, I took my nephew to the zoo in a stroller and we rode the Metro. A nice gentleman offered me his seat. It's been several weeks and I still remember his face and the action.

Stop at crosswalks
Have you ever been at a crosswalk and let the thought come to mind, "gosh, no one EVER stops at crosswalks." Well you can squash that thought and make someone happy by stopping! Everytime I see this happen, cars in the other lane stop too. Be the trendsetter.

Hold the door
For anyone and everyone! This small gesture can brighten up someone's day in a really cool way. This past Christmas, I was sitting at a delivery dock waiting for an order to come through. I observed a man open the door to the store, wait a few seconds for a stranger to walk through the door and then went on his way. She thanked him with a surprised tone. After that the woman proceeded to talk to me about it for the next 5-minutes, about the rarity of the gesture. It made a positive impact on her.

Just now; seriously! I took a break from blogging to change locations. An older woman who was hobbling with a cane, held the door open for me. "Thank you so much," I said with a big smile. She beamed. She wanted to do something good and was excited that it was well received!

Smile and say hello
If you need to boost your own mood and/or shock people walking by; just smile and say "hi." In my experience, some people don't know how to react. You'll get all kinds of looks and expressions. Plus the smiling will lift you up! You never know when a smile can make someone else's day!

Be courteous when walking, biking or driving
Wave "thank you" if someone lets you cross the street, go first at a stop sign, or pass them on the left...even if you have the right away. Why not? Today I was riding my bike on the wrong side of the sidewalk when I came face-on with a runner. It was a narrow sidewalk and there was a fire hydrant in the middle of the sidewalk between us. I was stopping and going to pull over, since I was definitely wrong, but he checked traffic and stepped into the street to let me pass! How often does that happen? My thanks was an appreciative one.

Can we all do these simple, easy, mood boosting things? I recently heard a successful business person say, "So many people are walking around like Clark Kent, because they don't know they're Superman." Lifting someone else up with a smile or a positive gesture puts you in the above average category, even though it's with little things. Let's help others see the brighter side with our little actions!

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