Sunday, April 8, 2012

Eating for Energy: 8 Tips

Sometimes the simplest plan, is the best plan. Especially if you are busy! Staying properly fueled AND keeping it healthy can be tough, especially with a hectic schedule. Eating properly is an everyday process and as busy as you are, you should carve out time to plan for healthy, energizing eating (it may actually save you time and help your productivity in the long run). Here are 8 tips to get going.

1. Keep fueled. Eat often. This could mean anywhere from 3-6 times a day. Listen to your body, know what pattern you prefer. This keeps your metabolism running steady and your mind sharp. If you are busy, figure out ways to eat healthy on the go that work for you. Prep food in advance to take with you for a busy day (this is a challenge for me!).  Stay fueled, and you will stay energized!

2. Hydrate. Keep a water bottle with you during the day and make sure you are drinking. It not only helps keep you alert and avoid dehydration and drowsiness, but it can also keep you from craving unwanted snacks, like candy or potato chips.

3. Take a whole food multi-vitamin. Test yours. Does it break down in a glass of water. If not, can you be sure that it will break down in your body? I wouldn't bet my health on it.

4. Get B12. Many people are actually deficient in B12; there is actually a genetic test that can tell you how your body metabolizes B12. You can ingest B12 under the tongue, in pill form, or in my personal favorite form, a healthy energy drink. I find it helps with sustained energy and mental clarity. Score!

5. Eat iron-rich foods. Have you heard that kale is the new beef?

6. Eat foods with Omega-3's, like salmon, tuna, olive oil, avocado or ground flax seed or take an Omega-3 supplement

7. Limit saturated fats and fried foods

8. Eat carbs (whole grains, fruits, & vegetables) with each meal. Start your day with complex carbs (and protein) and taper throughout the day.

If you are exercising in the evening after work, be sure to fuel up with a snack a hour or two before you workout, so that you get the most out of it. This doesn't mean that you need to gorge, but don't neglect! After your workout, be sure to eat a good source of protein to help your muscles repair.

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