When it comes to exercise, find what you like and stick with it
See today I didn't notice that I had broken a nail during my workout until about 20-minutes into my drive home. And it was a pretty significant break! Why?
Today I returned to CrossFit DC for a class set workout. The environment was so electric at the competition on Saturday, and it was so great to reconnect with old friends and coaches, that quite honestly...I had to have more!
Now for real, this was not the reaction I got with boxing, or running more than 14 miles in a "sitting," or from any other type of routine workout I have ever tried. The truth is, I love to CrossFit, even if I'm not the best. Actually being around better athletes pushes me to be better (that's good!), and I can strive for my personal best. I love that.
Some of you reading may love to run ridiculously long distances. You may get excited about an ultra marathon... (awesome, for real, I'm excited for you and in awe of what it takes to do that). Some of you may really get your kicks in a total body conditioning or a classic step class... (if you like it and it gives you the results you want, keep at it!)
If you haven't found something you love yet, keep looking. I promise there is something out there for you. Our bodies are meant to move!
This is a silly analogy, comparing a broken nail to discovering (or in my case, rediscovering) my favorite type of exercise, but it's a fun way to share a simple truth. I can't remember the last time I broke a nail and didn't notice right away. The focus was on something I enjoyed, rather than a minor flaw. The truth is:
What you focus on is what you get
This week, focus on what you want to get out of your workout, how you want to live, what you really want to do. Can you focus on them, find those strengths, and then pursue them. I promise, it will improve every area of your life, including your health!
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