Monica Niska here, excited to present to you www.thewellwithall.com, a blog dedicated to spreading the health word in a fun, down to earth, and useful way! My passion is fitness, food and helping friends figure out their goals and get after it. You may already know me or you may not; you may think you know me, and you may not :)
As an ambitious chick, with lots of dreams and goals, I thrive and find reward with helping others reach their goals. I am proud to say I get to do this everyday. What you will find on this blog is up-to-date info on various health topics, post about personal development, and links to cool people, resources, and blogs that you can use to better yourself. You will not find negative material, complaints or woes! I believe & operate with a simple mantra: believe in better, inspire & empower.
My professional background is personal training and lifestyle consulting. Even though I'm good at this; I think I'm an even better cook. Creating food and recipes is a skill and passion that I could pursue everyday. I love to travel, move/exercise, cook, inspire, discover, explore and get inspired from other leaders and successful people in life. I believe we should get outside and enjoy life everyday. By nature, I am a bit disorganized and very spontaneous, but have found that in order to get what I want in life and make the impact I desire too, this has to change. The blog gives me a chance to place much of my creative energy in one place, to hopefully benefit you and your friends!
The goal of this blog is to launch a resource that inspires others to find balance and health in life; and provides encouragement/ammunition to reach goals, find happiness and move closer to passion, quicker! "The Well With All" is a play off the term 'wherewithal' which describes "the means or supplies for the purpose or need." In our case, the purpose is finding fun and encouragement in health.
Please let me know about your businesses, your websites, blogs you follow, resources you find encouraging and beneficial, and I will post about them. Share with your friends and let's build a healthy empire together!
Congrats Monica! Great blog.