(Pictures to come!)
I was so thankful to have my parents, my sister & her 2 boys, my dear friend & fellow fitness enthusiast,Debra, and my wonderful business running buddies and great friends, Justin & Sara there to support me. I am so appreciative beyond words for all of them to be there.
What was most amazing to me, was that while I was so thankful for my friends to be there, but they all thanked me for the opportunity to witness it and take part. That leaves me wordless.
...Well I guess, not technically wordless, but you know what I mean!
I was baptized as an infant in the Catholic Church
I was taught in school and at church that baptism was for babies and converts
I've believed in God for as long as I can remember, and growing up was super involved in church.
In high school & college, I started exploring other Christian denominations, but I was one foot in one foot out with my faith.
At 24, at a non-denominational Christian service at an entrepreneurs conference, I heard the words, "if you're 99% sure you're going to heaven, then you are 100% unsure." I was frozen, because at the time I was literally 99% sure!
Then he said, "God loves it when people are bold for Him." Then I thought, 'oh no... That was meant for me.' And I walked forward amongst 15,000 people to accept officially Christ (along with about 2,000 others!)
In reality, I discovered that up to that point, I believed in God, but did not have a personal relationship with Jesus. "What does that even mean?" (I often questioned)
After this, I talked to people about Jesus more boldly, but I was making more mistakes a month than I had my whole life, up to that point.
For about 5 years, I made compromising decisions that didn't even fit in with anything I believed in. I didn't want to talk about my faith, because I had begun to believe that I was a poor example and that God couldn't use me broken (how wrong is that?!)
Anyway, in September of 2013, I desperately wanted to get my relationship with my Heavenly Father right, and I started reading from the Word almost everyday & praying consistently. I decided to lead a bible study table at another church (why not?!) We studied baptism and I listened to the perspective about getting baptized as a believer.
Truly I had never thought about getting baptized, because I'd received it as a baby.
My heart wouldn't let it go though. Around that time, good friends of mine shared the Baptism by the Bay video from NCC. I knew immediately, I wanted to do it like that.
I started to realize that if Jesus insisted on getting baptized (and he's obviously all in!), then it was good for me to.
I started attending NCC in April 2014, and I when I saw that Baptism on the Bay was happening, I knew this is how I was supposed to do it. For me, it's an act of faith and a stamp in my faith passport on the way to my calling.